About a month ago, I began work on a new dance project with dancer/choreographer Silvia Bastianelli. We’re in the research and development stage of a new work which we hope to present to the public in the first half of 2015.
After collaborating on Protogenos and 2 One Another with Rafael Bonachela/Sydney Dance Company in Australia, it’s wonderful to be able to continue my work here in Italy. At this stage, much of the work remains ‘top secret’, but I’m sure there will be a time soon where I can share more. The above image is a screencapture from video of our session last week, so rest assured that everything is being documented, even if it must remain behind closed doors for now.
Although I cannot talk about the work right now, I do want to take this small moment to thank everyone at Novamusica in Citta di Castello who have allowed us to use their beautiful dance space (it’s not often that a collaborative duo is allowed a space comparable to full size dance companies, but the work truly could not happen without it) and in particular, Tiziana Fiorucci (seen huddled beneath Silvia above) who is collaborating with us as a secondary physical performer during this research and improvisation stage.
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