Maschera: Beato B.
Maschera fatta a mano in Toscana, su commissione.
Mask – Handmade in Tuscany, on commission.
Carta pesta, acquarelli, plastica e elastico.
Paper mache, watercolours, plastic and elastic.
Artist and Educator
Maschera fatta a mano in Toscana, su commissione.
Mask – Handmade in Tuscany, on commission.
Carta pesta, acquarelli, plastica e elastico.
Paper mache, watercolours, plastic and elastic.
Febbraio 2017
Private Collection
Prova Tecnica
20 x 14.8cm
Some (extended thoughts) on education in the digital age, and the proposition of three levels of learning: reception, expression and interception.
Isn’t it wonderful? Finally, we get the media we want. We have become a part of good, honest entertainment on the daily. It’s fantastic. That is, if it stays honest.
Some thoughts on the downfall of the music industry.
People you choose to follow are chosen by you. If you choose boring people who tweet nothing but breakfast, you will get nothing but breakfast.